start again today no. 72: the future of work

Hey πŸ‘‹πŸ½,

6yo takes up four fifths of a king bed lying horizontal. I thought about how much he’s grown while he gave me an accidental back massage in his sleep last Friday night.

We flew to LA for 72 hours to see his Aunt Kenzie. It was 3 years and 2 days since we last saw her. She thinks he’s grown too.

I thanked him for my back massage on our last night in LA.

"I don't want to leave"

6yo said quietly from the middle of the bed.

"It's so fun here."

LA was a wonderful guilt trip. It's been too long since I saw my sister or had extended 1:1 time with 6yo. He reminds me gently by coming back downstairs after a too quick bedtime routine or calling "Mama!" after more than the promised time passes to start an activity.

"We can have fun everywhere,"

I responded.

"Let me rub your back."

He put his chin in his hand as he rolled over.

"I wish every weekend was 3 days long. Then there would be more time for activities."

When I hesitated to respond, I felt how broken work is. But I believe work can be different. I believe that it will be.

"Same bud. Same."

"The only thing you have to offer to another human being, ever, is your own state of being." - Ram Dass