start again today no. 59: working smarter, elevating routines to rituals

Hey πŸ‘‹πŸ½,

Last week, I asked what big questions you're thinking about. Thank you for sharing some of the questions on your mind/heart with me! You responded with questions about intuition, impact and focus. Laura Bosco responded to share her musings on "what is beauty" and "how do we come to decide something is beautiful? do we consciously decide?" sparked by a NYT article.

My question of the week appeared during an online coworking session this Friday. Host MJ, designer and yogi asked the group a question:

What's a process you'd like to improve?

I was so ready to jump straight into doing the task based work I'd brought with me that I was caught offguard. She invited all of us to do the longterm thinking to make future work sessions better. Don't just bang your head against a work wall every week, write a new algorithm.

That it's-friday-afternoon-don't-f*ck-with-me feeling emerged. I acknowledged it but gave it a gentle stfu so that I could use the time as white space to play with my workflow. I was able to quiet the DFW me feeling by remembering a few times recently I'd successfully reprogrammed my life to build keystone habits and elevate mundane routines into rituals filled with meaning:

  • reading every morning to learn something new before I get out of bed (thanks for that rec KC)

  • starting a daily yoga habit December 31st to combat stress and live my "be here now" core value

  • putting phones away during date night to really connect

  • combining my passion for cycling with friendship through my Sunday am cycling classes at 10A EST

Thanks to MJ's question, I sat with the defacto order of operations for the task at hand with a design thinking hat on, and created a better approach: one that allowed more collaboration and efficiency with a higher quality end result. The practice also reminded me of all of the processes I could improve to create the life I want.

There is a better way.

women in yoga poses - Minjeong Kim

women in yoga poses - Minjeong Kim

I see you, I love you, let’s have a great week,


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